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Dads often feel detached from their daughters as they start to get old enough to have their own interests and hobbies. They are looking to connect with their girls and build relationships and connections that will continue into teenagerhood. 


The WNBA, as a brand, offers inspiration and role models to young girls. They also offer the love of sports and basketball, an interest of many fathers. Attending a WNBA game is also half the cost of attending an NBA game. 

Father and Daughter

For the dads who want to build meaningful relationships with their daughters, the WNBA offers an affordable opportunity to build memories and connections that last. 



Brand Background: The WNBA was introduced only 26 years ago in 1996. There are 12 teams in the league with every season consisting of 36 games. The annual revenue of the WNBA is miniscule compared to the NBA (.8% to be exact), but its importance in US culture and equality is unmatched. The WNBA provides positive role models for young girls, planting dreams of the future in young female athletes. As far as viewership, a survey revealed 22% of men in the US identify as a casual fan and 6% identify as an avid fan. The cost of tickets for WNBA games are on average half the price of NBA tickets.


Competitive Market Info: The biggest direct competitor for the WNBA is the NBA. But, indirect competitors include college basketball, both male and female. Other competitors include professional women's sports leagues like the National Pro Soft Pitch, National Women’s Soccer league, and Women’s Premier Hockey Federation. 


Advertising Objective: Increase popularity of WNBA, specifically increase game attendance and ticket sales. 


Target Audience: Fathers in urban areas who are looking to strengthen their relationship with their daughters. Specifically dads with girls the ages of 7-15. 


Consumer Insight: Dads often feel detached from their daughters as they start to get old enough to have their own interests and hobbies. They are looking to connect with their girls and build relationships and connections that will continue into teenagerhood. 


Brand Insight: The WNBA, as a brand, offers inspiration and role models to young girls. They also offer the love of sports and basketball, an interest of many fathers. Attending a WNBA game is also half the cost of attending an NBA game. 


Strategy Statement: For the dads who want to build meaningful relationships with their daughters, the WNBA offers an affordable opportunity to build memories and connections that last. 


Tone: inspiring, important, purposeful  

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